Friends of Old Saint Paul’s
The Friends of Old St Pauls is a non-profit charitable organisation dedicated to preserving and promoting the historic Old Saint Paul’s Church Wellington New Zealand.
The Friends are passionate about the preservation and story of Old Saint Paul’s Church. We work to promote the building’s rich history in the life of our nation and city and ensure that the building is maintained to the highest standards and open for all to experience and appreciate its beauty and heritage.
Our Purpose
Established in 1965 to save the building from the threat of demolition and ensure its preservation, the Friends now act as guardians or kaitiaki of the church.
We work alongside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, (formerly Historic Places Trust) to help fund projects, advocate of behalf of the church, welcome visitors, organise events, and continue special traditions such as the annual commemoration of the consecration of the building on 6 June 1866 and the December Citizens’ Christmas Carol Service.
We are governed by a committee which is elected at the Annual General Meeting usually held late March. We welcome guests to our AGMs, which usually include an interesting speaker and conclude with refreshments.
People We Work With
The Friends of Old St Paul's are proud to work alongside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga who care for Old St Paul's.
The volunteers, who are essential to help with all aspects of what we do, cannot be thanked enough. Without them, we would not be able to operate.
We are also pleased to acknowledge and thank organisations who have so generously supported our work recently:
The Adam Foundation
Wellington City Council Creative Communities Fund
New Zealand Post
As well as those who have donated through collections or personally and by bequest.
Old Saint Paul’s
Old St Paul's is one of New Zealand's greatest heritage places, and is arguably one of the finest examples of timber Gothic Revival architecture in the world. It is also widely regarded as Thatcher's best work in New Zealand. The church was constructed from a selection of the finest New Zealand timbers and the church's special qualities have been retained and enhanced by the additions, which were seamlessly incorporated into the building by a succession of skilled architects.
Old St Paul’s, although still consecrated, is regarded as a non-denominational church with the Anglican Church retaining a residual interest. It is used for weddings, funerals, and christenings as well as exhibitions, plays, and concerts.
34 Mulgrave Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011
Old St Paul’s Church is open daily from 10.00 am to 4 pm. It is closed Christmas Day and Good Friday, and on Anzac Day (25 April) until 1.00pm.
Annual Citizens Carol Service
Tuesday 3 December, at 6.30 pm - 7.30pm.
Doors open at 6.00pm
The Friends Annual Citizens Carol Service will be on Tuesday 3 December, at 6.30 pm. Bring along your family and friends to enjoy traditional carols, in the magical setting of Christmas at Old St Paul’s.
Musicians will include the young singers of the Wellington Young Voices. Led by local expert choral conductors, Young Voices was established to help children aged six to 16 years develop their vocal, choral, and musicianship. Friends of Old St Paul’s are also delighted that director Matthew Stein and the hugely popular Hutt City Brass will again bring the beat – and then some!
Please bring non-perishable food to donate the Social Supermarket. There will be a cash koha offertory collection during the service.
This year our Carol Service will be led by Fr. Patrick Bridgman of the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, with Wellington City Missioner Revd. Murray Edridge.